Well there is nothing worse then an old out of use blog and hands up that's what The Penniless Podcaster is at the moment. So apologies for that.
Lots of the links and info in old postings are still good but the game has changed hugely in the last two years and mostly due to working life being too busy I've not tracked those changes very effectively but that will change.
So to whomever happens upon this blog I say to you the best way to podcast for free at the moment is to use Podbean which offers a great free hosting and publishing facility that can be used as an embedded player or an xml feed to post in iTunes. It's a great place to start.
For micropodcasting clearly Audioboo is an exciting development so long as your part of the iPhone community, but I'm sure it will migrate to other platforms and develop as it's a powerful service, an audio answer to twitter of sorts.
As for editing Audacity has only grown and improved as the dominant free audio editing shareware so everything on this blog relating to this piece of free software still holds.
Recording devices are a moving target but as a professional audio producer I'm using the Roland produced Edirol hard disc recorders, the latest version is really a stunning piece of audio recording equipment considering it's portability and price tag.
Also I'm using soundcloud more often to simply embed audio content into social networking site as it's player is a beautiful thing and Soundcloud is itself a social community which allows you to spread your audio content more effectively.
I hope this is a reasonable update, more posts are on their way.
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